Save Internet Radio

There has been a lot of discussion on the web during the last couple of weeks about a revised fee schedule released by the Copyright Royalty Board, following a lobbying effort by everyone's beloved organization - the RIAA. These increased fees could potentially make it impossible for many internet radio stations to remain in business.

If you're a fan of music, you've probably heard of Pandora, the free internet radio service that lets you discover new music similar to the songs that you already enjoy. Last week, Tim Westergren, Pandora's founder, published a blog post about the effects of the new fees on the service, and how we, as users, can try to help. A follow-up post from this week also includes a link to an online petition.

I'm not sure how effective a petition is going to be, but taking a few minutes to sign it is the least we can do to show our support for a great service like Pandora, as well as numerous other independent internet radio stations that will be affected by this new ruling too. It would be a real shame to see them go away.